Chambre hôtes saules et cie

Places to stay, places to eat

Looking for great food or a cosy bed? Our "Valeurs Parc naturel régional" label network partners will make sure that your stay will meet your expectations. Our label is awarded to professionals who are proud of their heritage, commit to a quality welcome and respect the environment and people.


We have put together a selection of fine and unexpected accommodations where quality and sustainable development go hand in hand. The "Valeurs Parc...

Les délices de la Roche à Louresse Rochemenier
Restaurant Stay Wines

Choose a table in a quality restaurant and let the food pamper your taste buds. The below restaurants are network partners of the "Valeurs Parc...

Most popular
Nature Troglos
In plains and on hillsides, the troglodytic caves of the Loire-Anjou-Touraine Park host a large variety of bats which use them as a shelter over...
Bateau à Chouzé-sur-Loire©Nicolas Van Ingen
Loire On the water

The Loire is a major communication route for the transportation of goods up to the 19th century. But it still is a wild and moody river. Bargees need...

Champignons©Nicolas Van Ingen
Agriculture Mushrooms

The “champignon de Paris” (white mushroom) has made its way from the Paris catacombs to the humid troglodytic caves of the Loire valley. It is a...