Confluence Loire et Vienne©Daan Loeg-Shutterstock.jpg

The Loire-Anjou-Touraine Park’s ID

Created in 1996, the Loire-Anjou-Touraine Park is one of the 54 Regional Natural Parks of France. These inhabited rural areas are recognized on a national level for the quality of their remarkable but fragile heritage. Let’s have a look at some key figures and facts about the Park…

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The Loire-Anjou-Touraine Park includes 116 towns and villages of the Indre-et-Loire and Maine-et-Loire departments. It works in line with local authorities, associations and local to foster heritage preservation and local development.

The Loire river is one of the natural and cultural icons of the Park. It runs through the territory from Tours to Angers. On its way, it is joined by well-known affluents: the Cher, Indre, Vienne, Thouent and Authion rivers. These confluences have brought forth remarkable landscapes which are intimately linked to human activities.

Along the Kings’ river, you can find some of the most emblematic sites of French history, but also hidden treasures. The territory has more than 500 heritage sites out of which 169 are classified as French Historic Monuments and 338 others are listed.

The Loire valley is now also a UNESCO world heritage site for cultural landscapes. This labialisation certifies the remarkable characteristics of a territory where exceptional buildings and biodiversity coexist in harmony.

ïle à Gennes-Val de Loire©Nicolas Van Ingen

We are the Park! Find the list of towns and villages here.

Allonnes (49)
Anché (37)
Antoigné (49)
Artannes-sur-Thouet (49)
Assay (37)
Avoine (37)
Avon-les-Roches (37)
Avrillé-les-Ponceaux (37)
Azay-le-Rideau (37)
Beaufort-en-Anjou (49)
Beaumont-en-Véron (37)
Benais (37)
Blaison-Saint-Sulpice (49)
Blou (49)
Bourgueil (37)
Brain-sur-Allonnes (49)
Braslou (37)
Braye-sous-Faye (37)
Bréhémont (37)
Bellevigne-les-Châteaux (49)
Brizay (37)
Brossay (49)
Candes-Saint-Martin (37)
Champigny-sur-Veude (37)
Chaveignes (37)
Cheillé (37)
Chemellier (49)
Chezelles (37)
Chinon (37)
Chouzé-sur-Loire (37)
Cinais (37)
Cizay-la-Madeleine (49)
Continvoir (37)
Coteaux-sur-Loire (37)
Courcoué (37)
Courchamps (49)
Coutures (49)
Couziers (37)
Cravant-les-Côteaux (37)
Crissay-sur-Manse (37)
Crouzilles (37)
Dénezé-sous-Doué (49)
Doué-en-Anjou (49)
Epieds (49)
Faye-la-Vineuse (37)
Fontevraud-l’Abbaye (49)
Gennes-Val de Loire (49)
Gizeux (37)
Huismes (37)
Jaulnay (37)
L’Île-Bouchard (37)
La Breille-les-Pins (49)
La Chapelle-aux-Naux (37)
La Chapelle-sur-Loire (37)
La Ménitré (49)
La Roche-Clermault (37)
La Tour-Saint-Gelin (37)
Langeais (37)
Le Coudray-Macouard (49)
Le Puy-Notre-Dame (49)
Lémeré (37)
Lerné (37)
Les Bois d’Anjou (49)
Les Ulmes (49)
Lignières-de-Touraine (37)
Ligré (37)
Loire-Authion (49)
Longué-Jumelles (49)
Louresse-Rochemenier (49)
Luzé (37)
Marçay (37)
Marigny-Marmande (37)
Mazé- Milon (49)
Montreuil-Bellay (49)
Montsoreau (49)
Neuillé (49)
Panzoult (37)
Parçay-sur-Vienne (37)
Parnay (49)
Pont-de-Ruan (37)
Razines (37)
Restigné (37)
Richelieu (37)
Rigny-Ussé (37)
Rilly-sur-Vienne (37)
Rivarennes (37)
Rivière (37)
Rou-Marson (49)
Saché (37)
Saint-Benoît-la-Forêt (37)
Saint-Clément-des-Levées (49)
Saint-Germain-sur-Vienne (37)
Saint-Macaire-du-Bois (49)
Saint-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil (37)
Saint-Philbert-du-Peuple (49)
Saint-Rémy-la-Varenne (49)
Saumur (49)
Savigny-en-Véron (37)
Sazilly (37)
Seuilly (37)
Souzay-Champigny (49)
Tavant (37)
Theneuil (37)
Thilouze (37)
Thizay (37)
Trogues (37)
Tuffalun (49)
Turquant (49)
Vallères (37)
Varennes-sur-Loire (49)
Varrains (49)
Vaudelnay (49)
Verneuil-le-Château (37)
Verrie (49)
Villaines-les-Rochers (37)
Villandry (37)
Villebernier (49)
Vivy (49)

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