groupe de personnes dans un contexte festif à la Fête du Parc naturel régional Loire à Doué-la-Fontaine

Taking part in life at the Park

The Loire-Anjou-Touraine Park is a collective project. Everyone can take an active part in reflections, projects and actions. Residents, elected representatives, association members, join the ongoing dynamic processes and take part in daily Park life!

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As a resident …

The Park team is based in Montsoreau (49). The office is open all year and a team member can receive you upon appointment. The Park house is open to the public from March to November. It periodically hosts activities and expositions. And every second year, the Park invites you to join its big gathering!

You are a nature-lover? A bird- or plant-watcher? The Park is interested in your knowledge! You can contribute to the Park’s nature expertise by joining us on participative nature inventories or by sharing your observations on our online tool STERNE.

As an elected representative or association member …

You are an active member of an association or an action group and you would like to take part in life at the Park?

You might be interested in becoming a Park ambassador. This network groups volunteers and passionate people. It is a strong link between the residents and the Park. Ambassadors get training and are invited to discovery days. They are able to give information and they also give feedback about questions from the public and difficulties they might have experienced on the field.

You can also commit as an association: The Park federates an association network which participates on different topics such as health, quality of life or history.

If you wish to take part in life at the Park and contribute to the implementation of actions with your ideas, join one of the thematic working commissions. These commissions bring together elected representatives, technical experts, associations and ambassadors. They meet once or twice a year.

As an elected representative …

As an elected representative and Park delegate of your town or village, you have a special role to play in order to facilitate the connection between your town and the Park!

The Park is ready to meet you any time it suits you and will give you communication tools allowing you to talk about the institution and its projects during city council. Press releases presenting the Park and its concrete actions are sent to the municipalities several times per year. With your help, these articles can be published in the municipal newsletter and help spread the knowledge about the Park.

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