bois©Nicolas Van Ingen

In the woods and moors

Moors develop on poor and most commonly acid soils where forests can’t develop fast. Butterflies and birds evolve in its gorses and brooms. In the woods, life proliferates on the ground and in the trees. Are you able to recognize the different types of oak trees?
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Fauvette pitchou
Robinier faux acacia
Chêne pédonculé
Azuré des mouillères
Bruyère ciliée
Martre des pins
Chêne vert
Couleuvre d'esculape
Busard Saint Martin
Chêne rouvre
Cerf élaphe
Pin maritime
Couleuvre verte et jaune
Pic épeiche
Chèvrefeuille des bois
Pin sylvestre
Grands murins
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